Saturday 12 August 2017


Written By Rev. Ojo Gbadegesin

 When I was a child, I grew up among both Church goers and pure Idol worshippers. We had many family gods and shrines,  of course, the principal idol was stolen later on, one of the things I witnessed was that coins were always at the shrines. The society believed that the gods spent money, so they dropped coins for them,especially "Esu". These monies were never stolen by the worshippers, though some of us later began to help the gods when we were taught in children department of the church that the gods are dead, and cannot spend money.

African traditional society respected anything called "sacred". Sacred animals were never eaten, sacred fishes were never caught in sacred rivers. Evil forests were never cultivated, and the priests were respected, their words were law, because the society saw them as spokespersons of the gods. The society had ways of dealing with various crimes, good name was an asset. Wealth was not celebrated, rather, a suddenly rich family is ostracized, and nobody wants to marry from there.

This same allegiance was transferred to Christianity. The church was a holy place, clergymen were highly revered and respected. In fact, in Yoruba land where we all prostrate for the kings, men of God are exempted. Old people, old enough to have the Pastor as grandchild all bow in reverence to honour the man of God. They never knew that the man of God could misbehave, he was seen to be talking with God, all the times.

A time came the story changed, they began to catch clergymen with their wives, doing what only the heathen do. So, these men of God are ordinary! They began to see the anointed fighting the elders over salary! Swearing in the names of gods of his village! Whaaaat? So, this white cassocks only cover dark hearts, they began to meet the men of God, buying drinks where they buy, and sometimes joining them at the joints. The curtain was removed, and the story changed.

The church began to celebrate wealth without any regard for its source. What happened at the time of Emperor Constantine, that destroyed the first revival keep repeating itself. Have you seen any church that suspended a political office holder, a millionaire, a highly placed wealthy man, a traditional ruler before, oh sorry, they are saints now, it's only poor, average, struggling people that do violate the laws of God. I know some churches do, I know some Pastors do, but they are in the minority.

Many Pastors only know the houses of rich members. They have their phone numbers, and are always available in case of any emergencies, but the poor are committed into the Hands of God, after all, only God is the father to the fatherless and husband to widows! Special offices are always created to make the rich happy, they don't even need to be punctual, once their cash is punctual, God knows that they are busy.

Why are we surprised at Ozubulu shooting? The gunman knew that he was not shooting inside church! After all, it was built by their colleague, the source of wealth that they knew, they were even probably there the day of dedication, and even made donations while the arrays of God's servants showered blessings on them, and prophesied that they will keep progressing. God never spoke in prophesy that He hates their business, neither were they revealed by word of knowledge that they were evil doers!

When business turned sour, they boldly took the fight to church, as for them, that is not a church, they know what a real church should be like, they know their colleague is not a church person, they saw that building as a normal business territory, not a house of God. Today, it's Ozubulu, tomorrow, it's another place, today it's Catholic, tomorrow it's another church. Is your denomination different? Are you different?, is your village different?

Let us learn from this, enough of worldliness and carnality. Like our ancient shrines, when the church was church, rubbers were not carting the offerings and tithes away, they were not kidnapping the priests. Society respected the anointed, when the anointed used to respect himself. It's time to go back to Bethel " our carnality don too much"

@Voice of the Apologist
Credits to Rev. Ojo Gbadegesin


Dear brother,

Its becoming a source of huge concern to see our Brothers….Spirit-filled,tongue-talking struggling with immorality especially Christian Leaders. Its shameful,it shouldn’t be mentioned in public that a Youth Pastor raped a member of the Choir……or Church leaders abusing members of their congregation. It should not be heard in Church! No!it should not be found in Church! The ground and pillar of Truth, The Body of Christ! These days I will get skeptical if any of my girls tell me she is going to see her Pastor….why? I have seen countless cases of abuse from such visits!
What exactly is the problem? These brothers are anointed but lack self-control!
Proverbs 25:28 reveals something very vital…….

'Like a city that is broken down and without walls [leaving it unprotected] Is a man who has no self-control over his spirit [and sets himself up for trouble].' indiscipline is the root cause of immorality!!!

What do we do?

1.  Identify your weaknesses! Stop trying to cover this part of you….identify it and deal with it! There is nothing good about a sexual weakness. Don’t feed it! Master it! You mustn’t counsel ladies!

2.  There are certain issues you should hand over to Female leaders to handle!  Stop putting yourself under pressure! Sometimes I wonder why Brothers would rather mentor all the ladies in Church…..brothers need help too

3. Keep your counseling official! Don’t build anything personal. Stop all those distracting discussions!......where are you? Have you eaten? What are you wearing? I love your voice….brother is that part of your calling? Such discussions are not neccessary

4.  Respect and honor the calling of God upon your life! Don’t drag His name to the mud. If you are burning….please marry! If you are married, enjoy your wife and if you are married and still lusting after others ladies….please cry out for help! You need the word therapy!

Dear Choir Director….face your Ministry…….stay pure
Dear Youth Pastor…..Face your Ministry……..stay pure
Dear Pastor,Apostle, Evangelist etc……Face your ministry…..stay pure

5.  Avoid counseling behind close doors. I know you are strong Man of God but you see we are people of passions…….anything’ seeable ‘ can trigger and put a man in the mood…..keep the doors and window open for proper ventilation and easy escape(lols)
Be self-controlled!

The ability is inside! The church should be the one teaching the world sexual sanity! I understand the temptations knocking your door daily but you are more than able to overcome these temptations (No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it 👉1 CORITHIANS 10:13).

Don’t mind those sisters wearing clothes revealing hips, boobs and contours…… you will see these everyday, everywhere…..but filter your thought! Guard your heart! Be like Joseph who saw immorality as GREAT WICKEDNESS AGAINST GOD (Gen 39:9) and Job who made covenant with his eyes (Job 31:1)

The Grace of God is sufficient for thee!!!!! Choose to stay pure! Your body is God’s temple too. I believe in your ministry.
Avoid unnecessary touching and hugging.... These are triggers!


I understand Females are wired to always want to be loved….that desire can sometimes drive us to be funny and do everything to receive love…. But you see our wiring should not take common sense out of us. Our brothers can be funny but Hey we are smart!!!!

1. You don’t need a male mentor to be successful in life. There are far too many Wonderful Women of God in the kingdom who can mentor you! And if you insist  it has to be a man….please keep it official. Stop confusing our brothers….” Good evening Pastor, have you eaten? How was your day? Tell me something about you no one knows(are you his wife or mother?….nonsense)……Pastor I have this emotional issue, I can’t sleep at night, I will just be thinking of man…..sister I don’t understand this discussion because I choose not to understand! I will strongly recommend you discuss sex-related issues with female mentors…..You will be putting that brother in a tight corner!

2.  Dress as decent as possible for counseling session!
Why should you wear crop top and mini skirt for counseling???? (Signs and symptoms of a bad shide.... Lols).... Your plan will not work!!!!
We know you have a good skin... Keep that body inside a decent cloth! We don't want to see it!!!

3. Don't be a fool in the name of mentorship. You went to your Pastor's house and he started touching you..... My sister!!!! Run for your life!!!! If it's becoming abuse......Change church!!! Don't sit there and be saying.... 'Awwwwww Pastor stop naw.... They will catch us o....' that wasn't abuse.... It's called partnership! You wanted it! Don't allow anyone talk you into sin. Avoid unnecessary calls and discussions..... Keep your discussion official. You know when the counseling session is becoming romancing session.... Don't wait! Don't wait! Flee like Joseph!!!!

The flesh will try to fight!! But keep it subject to your Spirit!!!! Keep meditating on the word..... Saturate your heart with the Word!!!!! Your Body will willingly yield! It has got no choice!!!!

I trust this post blesses/convicts you!!!!!

Anonymous Author

Beloved, the root cause of our many problems is deep rooted in sin_ a life of partnership with the devil. 
Dear, hear this, being born again is one thing and living the life of a born again Christian is another: as a child of God, He has given you the power and authority over all devils, therefore, it is time to arise and take your rightful position in Christ Jesus. Lord Jesus, help us to realize who we are and the dimension of power we should be operating in Jesus Christ name Amen. Have a peaceful weekend, God's righteousness. 

Reply @Uju Adazion.


The concept of Heaven and Hell is one of the religious believes that is being uphold in all religions; with varieties of teachings ranging from one religion to the other, all believes that life on earth is a temporal one which ushers one into the eternal life where he will be judged based on how he lived this temporal life, hence the placement of a soul in the other world (heaven or hell) will be dependent on how well one lived his life here on earth, earth is therefore a preparatory ground for life in the other world.

Some religious believe uphold that one can still be given an opportunity to come back to life on earth as an incarnate being to live his life in other to accomplish the destiny of his past life which was unfulfilled; this believe is predominant among the Indians, and Africans Traditional Religions a teaching that is contrary to the Christian believe. But the entire concept of Heaven and Hell is upheld by every believe system and the primary teaching is that when one dies, he will proceed on the journey into another life where he will be accessed based on what he has done here on earth.

Christianity as a religion is not exempted from teachings of heaven and hell rather it emphasized and elaborated its reality for the purpose of bringing all human to the complete knowledge of what they are to face after death and the solution made available for mankind.

  • Life does not end here on earth
  • We all will journey to the world beyond
  • Our position in the world beyond will be determined by how we lived our lives here on earth.

These three-point truth are being taught by all religious group, hence these unanimous acceptances in an echoing manner shows the reality and authenticity of Heaven and earth.

If we know that life does not end here on earth and that we will all journey to the world beyond, then it will be necessary that we prepare for this journey which is inevitable.

Hebrews 9:27 categorically states that ‘it is appointed for people to die once — and after this, judgment’ this then disregards the famous claim that one has the opportunity to come back to life to amend his errors but rather affirms that;
  • One has only one life to live
  • One must account for this life he has lived
  • Judgement will be declared on every soul that has lived depending on how he has lived his life
This simply means that as you live your life on earth, you are expected to make one decision that will determine where you will spend your other life.

Among all the religions of the world, there is only one religion that provides one with concrete information regarding what one must do in other to enter into heaven.

In John 3:3 Jesus categorically states that, “Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Jesus’s words point to the fact that man must make a decision to be born again in other for him to be a partaker of life eternal in the other world,

The popular scripture John 3:16 states that “For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

  • To be born again therefore is to believe in Jesus Christ
Believing in Jesus Christ has to do with you acknowledging his birth, death and resurrection; accepting that the reason why he died is because you were a sinner and needed to be saved from your sins Rom. 5:8;

Deciding to further live your life doing His will as His Holy Spirit will direct you, Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him in John 8:31 “If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples”. while 2 John 1:9 states that "Anyone who does not remain in Christ’s teaching but goes beyond it, does not have God. The one who remains in that teaching, this one has both the Father and the Son."

In John 3:5 we saw Jesus Christ specifically stating again that ‘unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God'. The kingdom of God which is also referred to as the kingdom of heaven is the eternal home for all who lived their lives in accordance to the will of God here on earth.

Jesus Christ taught that unless one be born again that he cannot enter this heaven, by implication Jesus is saying that if you are not born again, you will have to enter hell; this brings us to asking this important question, why did Jesus Christ focus so much on the issue of the kingdom of God (heaven)?

The much attention paid to the issues of Heaven and Hell by Jesus Christ reveals the importance of this concept to human existence and the need for one to take the decision to live his life in preparation for this eternal home. 

One fact which you must bear in mind is that no matter how long you live here on earth, you will surely die one day or be transformed but dying does not terminate your life rather it transit you into another life of eternity. 1 Cor. 15:51

The book of Genesis gave us crew to the reason why man must be reborn; Genesis 2:16 – 17 states that, “the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die. Genesis 3:5 – 7 “In fact, God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Then the woman saw that the tree was good for food and delightful to look at, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom. So, she took some of its fruit and ate it; she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; so, they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves”.

Man became dead in Spirit the moment he decided to go against the will of God and ate the fruit which he commanded him not to eat. This spiritual death which occurred as the result of eating the forbidden fruit made man unqualified to inherit the kingdom of God instead he became one who is doomed for destruction in hell.

Hell is a place prepared for every soul that lived their lives in gratification of the fleshly desires, Rev. 21:8 States that “the cowards, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars — their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

  • It is a place where fire will be made to burn the unbelieving to the rest of their lives
Matt. 25:46 “And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
  • It is a place of eternal punishment for those who chose to live their lives as they will and not as the spirit led.
Rom 8:8 “Those who are in the flesh cannot please God” therefore “These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction from the Lord’s presence and from His glorious strength” 2 Thessalonians 1:9
Because man is dead in the Spirit, there is need for Him to be born again, not of the flesh but of the spirit so that he may have part in the kingdom of God John 3:5 – 6 “I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit”.

Acts 4:12 “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.”

God have made only one provision for the salvation of man; this provision is in Jesus Christ for He is the only son of God who laid down his life for us to live again John 10:18. Eternal life is simply knowing God as the only true God and Jesus Christ as the one whom he has sent for men to be saved John17:3.

This is the decision which man must take here on earth before he journey to the other world, the decision to know Jesus and live in accordance to his will is the only qualification for taking part in the inheritance of the father.

Heaven and Hell is acknowledged in all religions which makes it an inevitable truth but only one religion proffers the solution to it which is Christianity…only those that live their lives as Christ did will take part in the kingdom of God for  “I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work…But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” Rev. 22:12; 21:8

May we not walk on the isles of the earth only to end up in the flame of fire. Amen

Thursday 10 August 2017


Hello and welcome to this blog where we give in to the study of the word of God which alone is God’s instrument for changing lives.

Today, we want to consider some few chapters and verses of the scripture; as you come along with us, we pray that God’s word will be made alive in your spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Psalm 119:9
How can young people keep their lives pure? By obeying your commands. GNB
This scripture remains one of the Psalms that deals expressly with the issue of how the word of God should be applied in the life of men; throughout this chapter, emphasis were laid on the word of God and man’s attitude towards it.

Psalm 119 has the total number of twenty-two parts of eight verses each; these twenty-two parts bears the name of the twenty-two Hebrew letters thus the Hebrew alphabet were represented in this Psalm. It is a Psalm that celebrates the gift of God’s law as the perfect guide for life; its theme is echoed in Psalms 19, deriving its wisdom from Psalms 1 and 112 which reads thus:

Happy are those who reject the advice of evil people, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God.  Instead, they find joy in obeying the Law of the LORD, and they study it day and night; Praise the LORD! Happy is the person who honours the LORD, who takes pleasure in obeying his commands.  The good man's children will be powerful in the land; his descendants will be blessed.

Psalms 119 voices a deep desire that one’s personal life would reflect the loveliness and goodness of the law.

V. 9 of this Psalm asked a very important question that demands a carefully calculated answer thus one should count his teeth with his tongue before jumping into answering this critical question even though it looks simple.

It will be important to note here that the question asked by the Psalmist is a research question which implies that v. 9 is a pointer to a problem that has being in existence (the research problem); brcause there would not have been need to ask this question if there is not a problem noticed.

Furthermore, this question draws ones attention to the issues regarding young people an issue which has become a problem in the society affecting both the elderly and the minors; an issue that has grown to a state of general acceptance as something that is right and OK for the youths but not to the psalmist because for him, it is an issue that demands a thoughtful questioning and critical answering.

What could this issue be? 
It was the issue of uncleanliness among youths. The writer of this psalm must have discovered in his generation that there is a high level of moral decrease among youths, the hunger and taste for right living (living a pure life) seemed to be lost among them.

Similarly, in many communities today, the youths have gone back to celebrating masquerades; reviving the ancient traditions that anchors on the worship of idols while some resulted to making modern idols for themselves knowingly and unknowingly by the means of disregarding anything that has to do with church, e.g. prayer, study of the word of God, submitting themselves to thorough disciple classes but rather see these things as distractions while their Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, IMO, Twitter, Instagram, and many other social media you can think of,  fashions, unchristian movies and music gets their full attention as these things appeals to them more than any activity that is linked to the church.

Some other youths have delegated their lives to several kinds of immoral acts most especially sexual acts; it is in the midst of all these that the Psalmist asked, how can a young man “live a clean life” MSG.

This question deals with the life of uncleanliness and sin that the youths so much cherish, it is a pointer to the need for a young man to live a life that is different from that of the world but focused on God.

In answering this questing, the psalmist said; “by carefully reading the map of your word” MSG while ESV renders it thus, “by guarding it (his life) according to your word”. 

This answer suggest that the life of a youth is in the midst of a cross road and thus needs a direction; it speaks of the fact that a youths life is at the middle of the sea in a ship and only with the right compass will this ship find its way to the shore.

Read carefully the second part of this verse nine and you will discover the compass that has being provided by God, His word; a compass that must be carefully watched so as to get an accurate direction from it. This may also mean that if this compass is not watched with carefulness it will not offer solution or direction.

Today many girls and boys have being deceived even with the word of God because they have failed to carefully read the map of God’s word to discover the direction it is leading them to. Some have read this map and it said go east but they went west, to some it said don’t move but they moved.

The psalmist here points out the attitude that every young person that wants to live a pure life must put on while trying to read this map which is the word of God and it is that he must obey, he must allow this compass to guide and direct him.

Beloved, have you being reading the word of God but you have not allowed the word of God to Guide you?  Do you not know that you are at the middle of the sea and if careful attention is not paid to this compass which is the word of God, you will end up in the Bermuda triangle instead of the shore?  

Jesus Christ is calling you today to look up to Him and you will surely reach home.

Let us consider the areas of our life this compass which is the word of God is expected to be allowed by a young person to have complete control of;

V. 11 I keep your law in my heart, so that I will not sin against you. GNB
The English Standard Version renders it thus:
I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. ESV

CONSIDER carefully these scripture; the psalmist said here, because I want to be clean and holy, because I want to live a pure life; I have stored up your word in my heart, because I don’t want to sin against you, I have placed your word in my heart. MSG puts it this way, “I have banked your promises in the vault of my heart”.

Notice here that the psalmist did not store the word of God in his brain, his spinal cord or his stomach; he did not even store it in his blood but his heart, that makes me to ask, why the heart?

Also from the ESV rendition, you will discover that the psalmist used the word “stored up” what does it mean to store up? It seems like this phrase suggest that the word was not stored to the half, middle or part of his heart but to the brim; by implication, this word has being stored to the fullest of his heart.

Coming back to the first question, why the heart?  In heart series, I pointed out that the Bible makes use of the word heart figuratively to represent the emotions, feelings, desires, thoughts, mind, will etc. in addition, I asserted that the heart is the center of a man’s life hence in it flows the issues of life; the Psalmist understood this very well thus he stated, I have stored up your word in my emotions, my feelings, my desires, my thoughts, my will, and my mind so that I might not sin against you.

One of the problems that Youths face today which is the genesis of diverse impurities and uncleanliness among them lies in the heart of man. 

You will discover that when the feelings of a young one is corrupted with desires for the opposite sex;  his thoughts will focus on how to carry out an immoral act of fornication; when the thoughts of a young man is not right, his desires cannot be right and so will his will never be right.

So the psalmist says here before my feelings and emotions gets stored up with sexual desires I have filled it with your word so that there will be no space for sexual desires; before my emotions, thoughts get carried away; I have stored up every space with your word.

The psalmist says here that the reason for impurities among youths is simply because their feelings, emotions, thoughts, will, mind, and desires has being filled with the wrong compass nevertheless he that wants to be pure must first of all store up these spaces with the word of God so that he will not sin against God.

Beloved, can you ask your self what it’s that has filled your heart, Jesus is saying to someone here, that you cannot be filled with lust and expect to be pure, NO! For lust is a wrong compass which can only lead one to destruction; you cannot be filled with unguided desires for fashion and be holy as well.

What does it mean to be pure?
You will discover that the use of this sentence how can a young man be pure is same as saying, how can a young man be different from his mates? Thus to be pure means to be clean from within, free from defects and wholly set aside from impurities.

Have you being living the life of the multitude which has introduced impurities into your life? Has your life all the way being a manifestation of the world system? The Lord is saying that you need to be pure; you need to be different.

However, you cannot be different except you first of all unyoke yourself from the multitude and be filled with his word, God’s Word.

Some youths are filled with the lyrics of ungodly and unchristian songs, some are filled with the imaginations of sexual desires but God says you cannot be holy with those things in place in your heart; therefore you need to empty your heart (emotions, feelings, desires, thoughts, will, mind) from these things and be filled with the word of God allowing it to guide and lead you to the shore where you will be saved.

Empty yourself today at the feet of Jesus and you will be blessed with eternal life. Amen.

Wednesday 9 August 2017


Hello and welcome to yet another time with God, it is my prayer that we will hear God speak to us today again. Amen.
Today, we will be considering the topic, “Christ our Natural Environment” as we study the following scriptures; Gen. 1:11 – 12, 20 – 22, 24 – 25, 26 – 28. 

Tuesday 8 August 2017


Hello and welcome once again to The Masters Plan blog; today, we will continue on the topic, FORNICATION: A TREAT TO THE CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN YOUTHS, as we study the life of Reuben but just before we do that, let us look at some of the things we discussed the last time.

From the Greek and Hebrew knowledge of the word ‘fornication’, it was gathered that ‘a fornicator is as same as a prostitute’; in analyzing the rate at which the youths of today involve themselves in the act of fornication, we stated that ‘those who don’t have sex during their teen years are in the minority…’ hence ‘while we try our best to preach our youth out of premarital sex with emphasis on the girl it is observed that where 3 out of 10girls got married as a virgin, 1 out of 10boys get married as a virgin’ but the will of God as recorded in the book of 1 Thess. 4: 1,3 is this, that we will walk as the Lord Jesus has walked and to please God; to be sanctified and completely abstain from fornication.

Let us consider the life of Reuben, Gen. 49:3 – 4 ‘Reuben, you are my firstborn, ​​​​​​my might and the beginning of my strength, ​​​​​​outstanding in dignity, outstanding in power.
You are destructive like water and will not excel, ​​​​​​for you got on your father’s bed, ​​​​​​then you defiled it – he got on my couch’ NET Bible

The Hebrew name ‘Reuben’ as called by his father Jacob which is formed out of two Hebrew words רָאָה ra'ah meaning ‘To see” and בֵּן ben which means ‘a son’ (a builder of the family name) means ‘see you a son’ that is see you as a son; a name that expressed the mind of the father towards the son at the point of his birth; Jacob, was glad when Reuben was born to him and we can see that expressed in the sentences he uttered in Gen. 49:3 ‘you are my firstborn, ​​​​​​my might and the beginning of my strength’ but at the a point, Jacob stopped seeing Reuben as his first son as regarding being an heir to his inheritance.

In Gen. 49:4a Jacob literary cursed Reuben instead of blessing him because of the act of fornication which he committed before his father; Gen. 35:22 records that ‘While Israel was living in that land, Reuben had sexual relations with Bilhah, his father’s concubine, and Israel heard about it’.

As a Christian Youth, You are considered a son; note that when we make use of the term Christian, we refer to one who has received Jesus Christ into his life to be his personal Lord and Saviour and is living his life in accordance to the will of God; not one who is punctual in the Church.

As a Christian, you are considered a son of God, sharing in his inheritance, Rom. 8:17a ‘And if children, then heirs (namely, heirs of God and also fellow heirs with Christ)’ This means that God sees you as a son too, He sees you as one who will build a nation for Him as implied in the Hebrew word for Son ‘Ben’. God expects you as a youth who has become his son to grow into a nation builder, one who will represent His father well.

This was the same expectation that Jacob placed on his son Reuben when he named him Reuben, Jacob must have dreamed of how, Reuben will take the mantle of leadership from him to lead his siblings into Gods will but this wonderful expectation was cut short by a singular act of sexual immorality displayed by Reuben.

Reuben who was outstanding in dignity and in power now is described as one who is destructive like water. Eph. 5:3,5; ‘But among you there must not be either sexual immorality, impurity of any kind,  or greed, as these are not fitting for the saints…For you can be confident of this one thing: that no person who is immoral, impure, or greedy (such a person is an idolater) has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God’.
  • Fornication as a sin detested by God, will exchange your destiny from being a worthy heir of the kingdom into one who is set to be destroyed on the day of reckoning as long as you continue living in it.
  • Fornication takes from you your spiritual inheritance and turns you into one who will not excel in life…Reuben was supposed to become a nation builder as he was called  by his father but that destiny was changed when life mattered most, at the apex of his breakthrough, he became one who will never prosper in His life.
As a Christian youth, fornication will come knocking your way as it did Reuben, but the moment you forget that you are a chosen generation, a loyal priesthood called into the glory of the Father Almighty, and yield to its desires, you will automatically lose your grip on your bright future which has being prepared for you from the day one.

Proverbs 10:1 admonished Christians saying ​​​​​​​‘my child, if sinners try to entice you, ​​​​​​do not consent; Fornication will take away the glory of God upon you and leave you with nothing ‘For this reason do not be foolish, but be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is’.

Every Child of God is an heir of the Kingdom of God but the moment you allow fornication to have an hitch over your life, you will become a slave to it, fulfilling its desires. 

Reuben lost his whole inheritance to fornication; he lost the fathers trust, lost his place in the family and became one who is to be pitied.

If you are in the Church but you are still playing around with any kind of sexual sin, like Reuben, you preach the word of God, but you masturbate, fornicate or commit adultery, you are only selling your birthright and enslaving yourself into destruction.

You may not see the effect at the moment just like Reuben did know that his immoral life with the fathers concubine was recorded for him. The sexual sin you are committing now will definitely manifest itself on the day you least expected it.

Beloved of God, I want to remind you again that God desires you to be pure in heart and body, if you have been in the Church but still share a part in fornication of any kind whether porn, stimulating of your sexual urge, masturbation, lust, sex itself or any other form not mentioned in this paper you are best described as a prostitute and not a Christian and by means of figurative expression you are an idolater…draw near to God today and be a faithful Christian sanctified and purified for the service of the master. Amen

Monday 7 August 2017


Welcome again on The Master’s Plan blog; today we will be looking at an important issue facing us in the contemporary.
Let’s talk about fornication and the Christian youths;
1 Thessalonians 4:1 – 5 Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more. For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. for this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:
The verses of Scripture above are from the letter of Paul to the Thessalonians in regards to one of the issues facing them; Paul noted above that Gods will for His people is that they abstain from fornication: with this statement of Paul, it is established that the issue of fornication did not start with the Contemporary but had its root from immemorial therefore the issue of fornication is a problem which both the Old Testament and the New Testament Scholars faced.
The word ‘Fornication’ as used in the Old King James Bible is derived from the Greek word πορνεία “porneia” and translated literally as ‘prostitution’ (including adultery, incest, and porn) and by extension unwedded stimulation or fulfillment of sexual desire; figuratively idolatry.
Porneia as a word is from the root word πορνεύω “porneuo” which means to act the prostitute or literally indulge unlawful lust (of either sex), to stimulate unwedded sexual desire and figuratively practice idolatry. Porneia is often compared with the Hebrew word תַּזנוּת ‘taznuwth’ which also means prostitution, figuratively idolatry. Taznuwth as used in the Old Testament to describe a Prostitute is from the root word זָנָה “zanah” meaning to commit adultery (usually of the female) less often to commit fornication and rarely to commit rape.
From the above you will discover that Fornication does not just mean to have sex with one that you are not married to but is being conceived by the ancient Bible authors as:
Prostitution, Adultery, Pornography, Incest, Unwedded stimulation like Masturbation or arousing your sexual desire through lust, Idolatry. Hence when one fornicates, he is first of all a prostitute and then an Idolater.
You will also discover that zanah as a word which speaks of fornication indicated that at the time of the usage of this word zanah, the act of fornication was less often while rape was rare, adultery was usually associated with females. But according to online sources it is gathered that most young people have had sex for the first time by the age of 17 with 21% of teens at this age recorded to have had sex as of 1995; another online source stated and I quote ‘those who don’t have sex during their teen years are in the minority…’ A professor in the department of humanities was teaching us African Traditional Religion in the Post Graduate class at Ajayi Crowther University and he stated that during the time of ATR, the case of fornication was minute unlike how it is now, He then said that while teaching the undergraduate students of the same institution, he admonished them to make sure they keep their virginity till they get married, to his surprise, the ladies who were in the majority shouted in surprise with the expression that such is no longer desirable.
While we all try our best to preach our youth out of premarital sex with emphasis on the girl it is observed that where 3 out of 10girls get married as a virgin, 1 out of 10boys get married as a virgin and all these are the same youths who sing in our Choir, play our drums, guitar, keyboard and other instrument which makes our services lively, these youths are the same that has once being confirmed and are now communicant in our Churches but right there in their hearts is this indwelling and unquenchable desire for premarital sexual activities…untamed lust and hunger for sex outside marriage an act which has denied the youths the ability to live their life in fullness to the will of God.
This challenging issues has long been existing in our churches with little or no effort made by our youths to stop it; it has grown to a point of acceptance by the youths that good number of our youths sees nothing wrong in hanging out with the opposite sex, have fun (they call it) and still pray with expectations that heaven will fall.
This spiritual cankerworm called fornication has penetrated into the bones and marrows of our youths without them knowing how it came about in their lives…some of them never intended to live a life of fornication but while they allowed the system of this world to influence their lifestyle, fornication became inevitable.
Let us consider some of the things that promote fornication in the life of a Christian youth today;
Fashion: this word is being defined in many contexts to suit the discussed issue but for the sake of this paper, we will adopt this definition; fashion is the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior…fashion as a style of clothing in recent times has adopted a style that is best described as sexy dressing. These sexy dressings have cut the attention of most youths in such a way that what we wear seems to be giving the public the notion that we actually want to have sex. The implication of these is that knowingly or unknowingly we seduce the innocents’ youths who are on their own doing their businesses. Proverb 9:13 – 18 The woman Folly is rowdy; she is gullible and knows nothing. She sits by the doorway of her house, on a seat at the highest point of the city, calling to those who pass by, who go straight ahead on their paths: “Whoever is inexperienced, enter here!” To the one who lacks sense, she says, “Stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten secretly is tasty!” But he doesn’t know that the departed spirits are there, that her guests are in the depths of Sheol. These dressings which exposes the sensitive parts of the woman body makes a call to the young and inexperienced youths that fornication is sweet…little do they know that those that took the path of fornication ended up in the depth of hell.
Fashion also speaks of behaviors; in the contemporary, our youths has adopted these satanic behaviors that are sexually oriented, dance steps that makes a loud call for sex and words that unduly arouses the sexual urge of many youths so that they grow impatient to wait for their marriage time.
Movie and Music’s: in the contemporary, the music’s and movies watched by our youths promotes sex, the entertainment programs which we watch or listen to in our televisions and radios stations promote sex hence at a very tender age when our youths are still inexperienced these sexually oriented programs comes up to arouse their feelings and desires making them grow inquisitive and impatient to wait for the lawful time to explore this life of sex. These movies and music’s has so much been made popular that unless you decide not to watch the television or radio you will against your wish have them played in your very own house while your children which are still being gloomed dance to the tone of the song without knowing the implications.
The internet on the other hand is one of the fastest way by which this unholy act is being propagated as the pornographic videos and pictures pop up against ones wish or desire causing youths to have a glance at it even before they close the pop up but for the youths who are inexperienced even when they do close it, the picture becomes a seed sown in their minds which does not take time to germinate… and to think that these porn video cost just ₦20 put in these youth’s phones various vendor stands.
Opposite Sex relationship: This is the easiest way the devil is using to propagate this cankerworm called fornication, our youth who are inexperienced and influenced by the uncontrolled propagation of sex materials both in the media and in words are involved in some kind of opposite sex relationship which normally starts as a relationship with good intentions e.g. Study mate, family friend, casual friend etc. but as time goes on, the usage of sexually arousing words between the parties arouses their sexual urge for each other hence living them with the desire to explore this act without thinking of the implication or what is the mind of God over the whole issue. Some of them has in their faithfulness vowed never to get involved in the premarital sex but when they find themselves in these unholy relationship, in the cause of time, they establish trust for each other in such a way that it becomes hard for them to resist each other when the flesh starts its work.
These factors and some other that we will discuss next time has given birth to the fast spreading decay among our youth and the implication is that the Temple of the Holy Spirit which is our bodies constantly is being defiled… Paul admonishes that we do not offer any parts of our body to sin as weapons for unrighteousness. But as those who are alive from the dead, offer ourselves to God, and all the parts of our body to God as weapons for righteousness because it is the will of God that we be sanctified, and abstain from fornication Romans 6:13; 1 Thess. 4:3.
Beloved of God, as we come to conclusion, I want to remind you that God desires you to be pure in heart and body, if you have been in the Church but still share a part in fornication of any kind whether porn, stimulating of your sexual urge, masturbation, lust, sex itself or any other form mentioned in this paper you are best described as a prostitute and not a Christian and by means of figurative expression you are an idolater…draw near to God today and be a faithful youth sanctified and purified for the service of the master. Amen

Saturday 5 August 2017


Hello and welcome to yet another time with the Lord in the pages of His word; today, we will be discussing the synod theme. It is my prayer that God will grant us the peace we desire as we go through His word. Let us consider our chosen text Mark 4:35 – 39
And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships. And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
The story of the storm and the disciples of Jesus Christ happens to be one of the popular stories recorded in the Synoptic Gospels which portrayed the sovereignty of Jesus Christ over nature; it is a story that is being shared by the three Synoptic Gospels with each laying hold on a significant truth about God’s power over creation. However, we will rely on Marks account of this story to discover the mind of Christ.
In V.35 – 36 we were made to understand that Jesus was with the crowd teaching them the gospel truth but at a point, He felt the need to move away from the crowd to be alone with His disciples at the other side. Matthew recorded that Jesus took the decision to go to the other side of the lake because there was a great crowd around Him Matt. 8:18, this decision is therefore made in other to separate Himself from the crowd; a decision that is better explained as an invitation or a call to move away from the crowd for a journey to the other side. Jesus’s call to His disciples was a decisive call which received a prompt response by the disciples. As Christians today, there is need for us to move away from the crowd to the other side with Jesus. It is unfortunate that the Church today is romancing the world, our core values as Christians seems to be forgotten simply because instead of moving away from the crowd, we have pitched our tents with the crowd, living our lives in accordance to the world standards and system at the expense of our relationship with Christ.
The disciples of Jesus who were with Jesus at the point of this call responded promptly to the call and followed Him without looking back. Today this prompt response which characterized the early Christians seems to be lost among us because we do not want to move away from the crowd; we are pleased to be associated with the crowd, unlike Jesus who will always call on the disciples to a separate place where the crowd will not disturb their relationship and communication. The crowd here may be our worldly friends who cannot add value to our Christian life, it could be our addiction to home videos, social media and stuffs like that; it could also be our businesses which has denied us quality time with God, Jesus Christ demanded that they move away from the crowd to a place where the crowd cannot follow them.
In moving away from the crowd, Jesus decided to take the Galilean sea as the escape route, this particular sea is said to be 696 feet (212m) below sea level hence resulting in violent downdraft and sudden storms (windstom). Jesus understood that the sea of Galilee is always saddled with this aggressive storm and the disciples being fishermen also knew this fact about the Galilean sea but that did not stop them from following Jesus on the journey of crossing over to the other side through the stormy sea of Galilee.  From this we see the determination of the disciples to follow Jesus across to a place where they can be alone. But to the crowd, none of them tried to follow them not even one, perhaps their reason for not wanting to follow Jesus and His disciples may be because of the raging nature of the route Jesus Christ has chosen for the journey. Some of us Christians will desire to follow Jesus but not when He is journeying through a stormy path. We will like to identify with Jesus when things a rosy and blooming but the moment we have the slightest glimpse of danger on the route, we tend to draw back and follow another storm free route not minding what is the will of God over the route we have chosen to ply. The disciples of Jesus were ever ready to ply the stormy sea of Galilee as long the master is with them, this unwavering obedience to the call of Jesus from the deciples gave birth to the whole incident of PEACE BE STILL. But thinking about the storm and the obedient disciples, one may want to ask why did Jesus Christ allow them to experience the raging storm after they undoubtedly believed and followed Him?
In our present journey with Christ, at times we tend to ask questions like why me? why did God allow this to fall on me? Why is my issue this serious? Why is God not responding to my issues? This and some other questions saddle our minds whenever we are faced with issues that tends to try our faith. Some people in the midst of these challenges disappoint God; I have heard the story of a man that claimed that he asked God to give him money but he did not and when he asked the devil, the devil gave him. Many a times, the storms that comes our way while we live our lives for Christ move us away from Christ instead of moving us to Christ.
The disciples even though they were obedient in following Jesus, were compelled to face the raging storm. This is an indication that being with Jesus does not prevent storms of life from coming your way. The Neo-Pentecostals who believed that the Pentecostal power has being made available to make them prosperous and free from every ill situation has heretically lead many into believing that by accepting Jesus Christ into your life, you will be completely free and exempted from afflictions. But the reality of life is that these afflictions don’t go like that so when these Christian who believed that accepting Jesus Christ into their lives is a means of escaping odd situations pass through these situations, they tend to believe or think that Christ has departed from them; so they always turn to the another way for a solution to their problem.
The storm which Jesus commanded to be still is as same as the various situations that we face today even though we have a part with Christ, thus it will be important to note here that being in a relationship with Jesus Christ is not an exemption from temptations or trials. John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” As long as we live in this world we are bound to face divers kinds of temptations but the questions should be, when we face these temptations, how do we address them? We will look closely at the story of Mark now in other to draw out lessons that will help us even as we conclude.
V. 37 – 38 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?
When the Storm arose, the disciples called on Jesus immediately to come to their aid. In our present time, Christians sometimes in the midst of temptations and storms, forget that Jesus Christ is the only one that can quench our storm; sometimes instead of calling on Him, we call on the problem facing us, we call on our family members who may not offer any solution but instead make jest of the situation, we often try to proffer solutions to our problems ourselves and in trying to do so, we go against the will of God. The disciples understood that the master who called them to journey with Him on that route was very much present with them. We will be making the greatest mistake of our lives when we think that Jesus Christ is not with us in the very storms of this life that we face, we will also be making a mistake if we think that Christ is not aware of the problem that is currently facing us. The disciple thought that Jesus was not paying attention to the problem that they were facing when they asked him saying, carest thou not the we perish? But the good thing is that they were with Jesus and they also called on Him.
As we conclude, I want to ask you these questions,
Who are you with in the journey of life?
Who do you call in the time of trouble?
Have you decided to move away from the crowd to the other side with Jesus? The crowd may constitute your secret life that reminds you how miserable a sinner you are whenever you fall into that sinful act, it may be a habit that you have become addicted to which has place you in a pitiful situation, it could be your company of friends which has influenced and is still influencing your life negatively. Jesus is saying to you, leave the crowd and cone with me to the other side.
PEACE BE STILL is Jesus's response to man’s unending suffering here on earth hence when we remain in Christ in our earthly journey, He commands His peace to reign in our lives in the face of storms.
May we never be found outside of Christ so that when He commands His peace upon us, we will be connected to receive it. Amen