Tuesday 8 August 2017


Hello and welcome once again to The Masters Plan blog; today, we will continue on the topic, FORNICATION: A TREAT TO THE CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN YOUTHS, as we study the life of Reuben but just before we do that, let us look at some of the things we discussed the last time.

From the Greek and Hebrew knowledge of the word ‘fornication’, it was gathered that ‘a fornicator is as same as a prostitute’; in analyzing the rate at which the youths of today involve themselves in the act of fornication, we stated that ‘those who don’t have sex during their teen years are in the minority…’ hence ‘while we try our best to preach our youth out of premarital sex with emphasis on the girl it is observed that where 3 out of 10girls got married as a virgin, 1 out of 10boys get married as a virgin’ but the will of God as recorded in the book of 1 Thess. 4: 1,3 is this, that we will walk as the Lord Jesus has walked and to please God; to be sanctified and completely abstain from fornication.

Let us consider the life of Reuben, Gen. 49:3 – 4 ‘Reuben, you are my firstborn, ​​​​​​my might and the beginning of my strength, ​​​​​​outstanding in dignity, outstanding in power.
You are destructive like water and will not excel, ​​​​​​for you got on your father’s bed, ​​​​​​then you defiled it – he got on my couch’ NET Bible

The Hebrew name ‘Reuben’ as called by his father Jacob which is formed out of two Hebrew words רָאָה ra'ah meaning ‘To see” and בֵּן ben which means ‘a son’ (a builder of the family name) means ‘see you a son’ that is see you as a son; a name that expressed the mind of the father towards the son at the point of his birth; Jacob, was glad when Reuben was born to him and we can see that expressed in the sentences he uttered in Gen. 49:3 ‘you are my firstborn, ​​​​​​my might and the beginning of my strength’ but at the a point, Jacob stopped seeing Reuben as his first son as regarding being an heir to his inheritance.

In Gen. 49:4a Jacob literary cursed Reuben instead of blessing him because of the act of fornication which he committed before his father; Gen. 35:22 records that ‘While Israel was living in that land, Reuben had sexual relations with Bilhah, his father’s concubine, and Israel heard about it’.

As a Christian Youth, You are considered a son; note that when we make use of the term Christian, we refer to one who has received Jesus Christ into his life to be his personal Lord and Saviour and is living his life in accordance to the will of God; not one who is punctual in the Church.

As a Christian, you are considered a son of God, sharing in his inheritance, Rom. 8:17a ‘And if children, then heirs (namely, heirs of God and also fellow heirs with Christ)’ This means that God sees you as a son too, He sees you as one who will build a nation for Him as implied in the Hebrew word for Son ‘Ben’. God expects you as a youth who has become his son to grow into a nation builder, one who will represent His father well.

This was the same expectation that Jacob placed on his son Reuben when he named him Reuben, Jacob must have dreamed of how, Reuben will take the mantle of leadership from him to lead his siblings into Gods will but this wonderful expectation was cut short by a singular act of sexual immorality displayed by Reuben.

Reuben who was outstanding in dignity and in power now is described as one who is destructive like water. Eph. 5:3,5; ‘But among you there must not be either sexual immorality, impurity of any kind,  or greed, as these are not fitting for the saints…For you can be confident of this one thing: that no person who is immoral, impure, or greedy (such a person is an idolater) has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God’.
  • Fornication as a sin detested by God, will exchange your destiny from being a worthy heir of the kingdom into one who is set to be destroyed on the day of reckoning as long as you continue living in it.
  • Fornication takes from you your spiritual inheritance and turns you into one who will not excel in life…Reuben was supposed to become a nation builder as he was called  by his father but that destiny was changed when life mattered most, at the apex of his breakthrough, he became one who will never prosper in His life.
As a Christian youth, fornication will come knocking your way as it did Reuben, but the moment you forget that you are a chosen generation, a loyal priesthood called into the glory of the Father Almighty, and yield to its desires, you will automatically lose your grip on your bright future which has being prepared for you from the day one.

Proverbs 10:1 admonished Christians saying ​​​​​​​‘my child, if sinners try to entice you, ​​​​​​do not consent; Fornication will take away the glory of God upon you and leave you with nothing ‘For this reason do not be foolish, but be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is’.

Every Child of God is an heir of the Kingdom of God but the moment you allow fornication to have an hitch over your life, you will become a slave to it, fulfilling its desires. 

Reuben lost his whole inheritance to fornication; he lost the fathers trust, lost his place in the family and became one who is to be pitied.

If you are in the Church but you are still playing around with any kind of sexual sin, like Reuben, you preach the word of God, but you masturbate, fornicate or commit adultery, you are only selling your birthright and enslaving yourself into destruction.

You may not see the effect at the moment just like Reuben did know that his immoral life with the fathers concubine was recorded for him. The sexual sin you are committing now will definitely manifest itself on the day you least expected it.

Beloved of God, I want to remind you again that God desires you to be pure in heart and body, if you have been in the Church but still share a part in fornication of any kind whether porn, stimulating of your sexual urge, masturbation, lust, sex itself or any other form not mentioned in this paper you are best described as a prostitute and not a Christian and by means of figurative expression you are an idolater…draw near to God today and be a faithful Christian sanctified and purified for the service of the master. Amen


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