Sunday 29 November 2015


It gives me great joy to write once again on this Love topic; I can remember several times I tried to put up something on this but, it seemed not to be coming fort; finally I have something to present to us.
          I am trusting on the Holy Spirit to direct this study as we go further on this topic.
          Love has been defined in so many ways and this definition has consequently resulted in the overall abuse of the term Love; what love means to Mr. A is different to what Mr. B sees love as, Mrs. A sees love entirely different from what Mr. A&B takes love to be; while Mrs B will believe that love is not in existence.
          Miss B on the other hand thinks of love in an extreme manner thus perverted while Master A will rather call it plessure. People of different tribes and cultures views love in different ways and thus classify love in accordance to their culture. These have given a rise in my heart to examine once again what exactly is love.
In carrying out this assignment questions has developed in my heart. This question includes:
·         Is Love super-cultural?
·         Should love been seen as the same everywhere no matter the tribe or culture?
·         What is exactly love?
         Love is super-cultural and thus should be seen in the same way in any culture or tribe but to understand the super-culturality of love and its exact meaning, we consider various things that love has been likened to that it is not.
         Love is not when you have sex, so many people have been made to believe that love is sex; this believe has equally made them to say things like this:
a.   I love you and you love me so let us  have sex
b.   Love without sex is no love
c.    If you truly love me then you should not even wait for me to ask for sex before you give it to me talk more of rejecting when I eventually asked.
d.   Sex is made for two people who are in love
         None of the above statement is true; sex is not something you get when you are in ‘love’ neither is it what you use to seal love. Sex is not just made for two people who are in love but two people who are in love and have been legally married. Sex has never been permitted outside of the fore walls of marriage.
The reason why so many people in the world live a life of sex outside marriage is simply because they do not know what love is which is as a result of their impure heart.
         Love is not when you give alms to people, 1 Cor. 13:3 talk of alms giving without love; this equally means that one can actually give alms without loving. Alms giving is not conjugate to love.
         It is not also love when you chose to be punished for someone else’s offence for the person to be set free.
         Love flows from a heart (thoughts, motive, emotions, and feelings) that is pure this is because love itself is pure. The reason why alms and costly sacrifice like paying the price for someone else’s offence will be considered not love is the motive (heart).
         Back then in high school, I and my colleagues do render help to our female colleagues, the reason for this help is not because we love them or because we want to really help, but simply because we wanted to be nice so that we can easily be considered for what will call love relationship although I have always been unlucky then.  We actually did help these young ladies but not with a pure motive (heart) thus cannot be said to be love.
          Several times, you have done similar things like giving a young lady standing on the road side a lift after which you collect her contact and start calling for a date. You have given a good and edifying advice to a young lady just to draw her close to yourself in other to have a test of her.
         Love is the state of a pure heart (thoughts, motive, emotions, and feelings); a pure heart (thoughts, motive, emotions, and feelings) is a heart (thoughts, motive, emotions, and feelings) that has being sanctified with the word of God, a heart (thoughts, motive, emotions, and feelings) that is willed to the will of God. Thus a heart (thoughts, motive, emotions, and feelings) that does whatever he do with a good purpose and intentions which is willed to the purpose of God. A heart that is ever ready to do the uncomfortable just because it makes the Holy Spirit confortable.
         Love is what you display when your heart (thoughts, motive, emotions, and feelings) has accommodated the word of God and is being directed by the Holy Spirit who can only be present in a life that has accepted Jesus Christ as His Lord and saviour. Such hearts will render help to people not for any selfish purpose but to extend the love which God has given them.
Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious. Love does not brag, it is not puffed up.
It is not rude, it is not self-serving, it is not easily angered or resentful.
It is not glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends.1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Remember, God is Love therefore Love is the presence of God in your Heart (thoughts, motive, emotions, and feelings). If you do not have God in you, you cannot say that you truly love.

Till next time we meet, I remain your Pastor and Friend
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Email zukas234@... (yahoo or hotmail or gmail or rocketmail).com


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