Monday 4 December 2017

ROMANS 6:1 - 2

Hello and welcome to yet another time with God in this forum; we pray that you encounter God’s word made alive as we study the scriptures together.

The book of Romans is one of the letter’s Paul the apostle wrote while he was still alive to bring to clear understanding that in the cross of Christ, God judge’s sin and at the same time shows his saving mercy. This letter was written to the Christians in Rome around A.D. 57 in Corinth probably during his third missionary journey.

Let us consider the word of God in the Book of Romans 6:1 – 2
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

Paul started this chapter of the letter with a question - What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? To understand fully this text, we will need to know what Paul thinks Grace to be in this scripture.

Grace is seen here as that which brings to your understanding what you should do and what you should not do; here is a practical example, ‘you used to live your life in immorality but now you have being convinced that immorality is a sin’ ‘you use to smoke, lie and cheat people but now, you know that these things are sin before God’ that is grace. It is grace that brought you to the point of recognition that what you use to think is right is wrong, it is also grace added to you when you suddenly realize that who you are is not who you are supposed to be.

But here Paul asked a very troubling question, shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? That is to say, shall we continue to live like the heathen after we have known the truth through the grace of God and still want grace to be added?

This questions reveals that the people of God who has being called by grace, whose veils has being removed so that they can all see the unworthiness and ugliness of their sinful lives, after receiving such grace to see how sinful their lives were continued to live their lives in the same sin which God’s grace has made known to them that they should no longer live in.

The people of God had grace abounding with them but they continued to live their lives as they would.
In our world today, we see Christians who will boldly say, my only problem is that I am hot tampered, I am just asking for God’s grace to stop it, God has given you the grace to realize that being hot tampered is a problem, it is now required of you to stop living your life in that manner by cueing in to the grace that has brought you to the point of knowing that it is a problem.
The problem that Paul wished to address here as he asked this troubling question is this, being a Christians is not all about knowing and recognizing the works of darkness but deciding to stop living your life in it.

Grace is by no means that which forces us to stop living a life of sin but that which opens our eyes to the sinfulness of our soul, our response to grace as Paul brings to light here is not to continue living in sin but to decide not to live any longer in the sins made known to us; the next questions asked by Paul brought this to bare, How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

What does it mean to be dead? One of the characteristics of a dead person is inability to do the things which he used to do; a man that use to fight, ceases to fight the moment he dies, death brings to an end all activities as the body which use to do those things can no longer do them due to its lifelessness.
Paul here states, you use to live your life in different kinds of sin, you can lie, you can cheat, you can fornicate, you can do fetish things just to raise money for yourself but now God’s grace has brought you to a point whereby you realized and accepted that since Christ died for you, you are now dead and since he resurrected, you have being resurrected with him; how then is it that you continue to do the works of that body which has died? i.e. before your death, you use to steal, you use to lie, you use to fornicate, you use to smoke and drink, you use to do many kinds of sinful acts but now, you are resurrected in Christ hence you have His life in you, you are no longer supposed to be seen doing all those things that belongs to the body which has died.

Paul argued here that if we say that we are now raised with Christ, we should therefore live like Christ who has begotten us, grace therefore becomes that which brings us to the cross to see our sinfulness and shame, that which makes us realize how much we have strayed from Gods way; Paul argued that grace is being abused when we who has received the cross go back into our old ways of life while we think that God’s grace will continue to abound.

Paul sensed a problem in the Roman Church which is reoccurring among our contemporary Christians, a problem associated with our inability to stand against the things that we have being made to know that they are sinful before God.

Can you reexamine yourself as a Christian? How many times have you being exposed to the sinful state of your heart but you still have not done anything about it? As a Christian, you have heard that lying is sinful, you have heard that cheating is sinful, you have heard that the way you live your life is sinful but you still live your life in these sins and many more yet you pray for God to grant you more grace, such attitude towards God’s grace is what Paul called here abuse of Grace.
Grace is abused when we refuse to decide for God over temptations that comes our way, grace is abused when we rely on it to overcome one habit while we continue to live our lives in those sinful habits.

God is reminding us today that His grace has being released to us all to bring us to the knowledge of what His desires are, what his will is for us; we will be abusing God’s grace when we know God’s will for our lives and chose not to do them by continuing to live our lives in a way that pleases us.
May God help us to live our lives in accordance to His will as we await His second coming. Amen.

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